Index No.CountryAreaPublisherTypeScaleYearNumber of sheet
1-025 Eurasia and Australia Royal Thai Survey Department Blank Map 1:26,200,000-20,200,000 1964 1
19-001 Ireland/England/Denmark/Sweden/Estonia/Latvia/Lithuania/Netherlands/Belgium/Luxembourg/Germany/Poland/Belarus/France/Czech Republic/Slovakia/Ukraine/Switzerland/Austria/Hungary/Romania/Moldoba/Portugal/Andorra/Italy/Slovenia/Croatia/Bosnia/Serbia/Bulgaria/Montenegro/Macedonia/Albania/Greece Europe Japanese Army Map Service Topographical Map 1:1,000,000 1944 31
19-002 France France(North) Japanese Army Map Service Topographical Map 1:500,000 1944 3
19-003 Portuguese Portuguese Carta Militar de Portugal Soil Map 1:50,000 ??? 28
19-004 Portugal Europe Carta Militar de Portugal Soil Map 1:50,000 ??? 29
19-005 Portugal Europe Carta Militar de Portugal Vegetation Map 1:25,000 ??? 81
19-006 France Europe Service Geographique De L'armee Topographic Map 1:200,000 1926-1931 85
19-007 France Alps Service Geographique De L'armee Topographic Map 1:50,000 ??? 10
19-008 England Scotland Geological Survey of Scotland Geological Map、Soil Map 1:63,360 1986-1930 28
19-009 England / Ireland England / Ireland Stanford's Geographical Establishment Meteorological Map ??? ??? 1
19-010 UK England and Wales ??? Soil Map ??? ??? 2
19-011 Switzerland / France / Germany / Netherlands Rhine river Basin Wagner&Debes, Leipzig Rainfall Map 1:750,000 ??? 1
19-012 Germany Europe Prussian State Geological Institute Geological Map 1:4,000,000 1929 2
19-013 France France Forest Editeur Industrial Map 1:1,200,000 ??? 1
19-014 Switzerland Switzerland Kummerly&Frey, Bern Rainfall Map 1:600,000 ??? 1
19-015 United Kingdom and Ireland United Kingdom and Ireland The National Geographic Soceiety, Whshington D.C. Administrative Map 1:1,622,000 1937 1
19-016 Belgium Belgium Imp.Litho de L'Institut Cartographique Militaire Geological Map 1:1,000,000 1931 1
19-017 Itary Itary Insutituto Geografico Militare Topographic Map 1:100,000 1927 8
19-018 Itary Itary Insutituto Geografico Militare Topographic Map 1:25,000 1931 16
19-019 Norway Norway ??? Geological Map 1:100,000, 1:250,000 1880-1931 7
19-020 England England The Ordnance Survey Agricultural Atlas 1:1,500,000 1924 2
19-021(1) Germany Germany BUNDESANSTALT FOR LANDESKUNDE Hydrogeological Map 1:500,000 1954 12
19-021(2) Germany Germany BUNDESANSTALT FOR LANDESKUNDE Rainfall Map 1:500,000 1954 12
19-022 Europe Europe Gea Verlag G. m. b. H., Berlin W35 Soil Map 1:2,500,000 1925-1937 12
19-023 Malta Malta&Gozo Directorate of Overseas Survey Soil Map 1:31,680 1960 1
19-024 Poland Poland Wydawnictwa Geologizue Soil Map 1:1,000,000 1974 1
19-025 Portugal Portugal Ministerio Da Economia Land use Map 1:250,000 1960-1965 3
19-026 England / Ireland British Isles The Edinburgh Geographical Institute Road Map with Contour 1:1,000,000 ??? 1
19-027 Spain Sevilla EXCMA, DIPUTACTION PROVINCIAL DE SEVILLA Vagetation Map、Soil Map 1:250,000 1962 2
19-028 Poland Polska(Poland) Wydawnictw Kartograficznych Physical Map 1:2,000,000 1978 1
19-029 Armenia / Azerbaijan / Georgia Armenia / Azerbaijan / Georgia ??? Topographical Map 1:500,000 1931 4
19-030 Ukraine Crimea Russian Government Topographical Map 1:160,000, 1:600,000 1854, 1877 3
19-031 Mediterranean Countries Haack-Painke/Justus Perthes Darmstadt Topographic Map (Wall-mounted map) 1: 2,000,000 ? 1
19-032 Europe Haack Gotha/ VEB Hermann Haack, Geographisch-Kartographische Anstalt Gotha/Leipzig Topographical Map (Wall-mounted map) 1: 3,000,000 ? 1
19-033 France France Ministry of Water and Forest Forest Map (Wall-mounted map) ? ? 1
19-034 Austria Austrian Alps Vienna University of Technology Orthophoto Map 1 : 200,000 1985 1
19-035 Austria Obergurgl Lehrstuhl für Kartographieund Reproduktionstechnik, Technische Universität München Thematc Map (Snow Depletion) 1:5,000 1977 1
19-036 Germany Königssee Institut für Angewandte Geodäsie, Außenstelle Berlin Geomorphological Map 1 : 25,000 1984 1
19-038 Austria Gepatsch Ferner Cartograpy Institute, Hildburghausen/Studiengang Kartographie der FH Karlsruhe Thematic Map (Changes of Gepatchferner Glacier) 1:20,000 ? 3
20-013 Europe Japanese Army Map Service Aeronautical Chart 1:3,000,000 1944 2
24-014 Russia / Norway / Sweden / Finland / Estonia / Latvia / Lithuania / Poland / Slovakia / Romania / Bulgaria / Turkey / Ukraine / Georgia / Azerbaijan / Kazakhstan / Uzbekistan / Turkmenistan / Afganistan / Kyrgyzstan / Iran / Tajikistan / Pakistan / China U.S.S.R / Adjacent Countories The War Office Topographic Map 1:6,000,000 1934 1