Index No.CountryAreaPublisherTypeScaleYearNumber of sheet
1-002 World(Asia) Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center World Aeronautical and Operational Navigation Charts 1:1,000,000 1965-1988 73
1-006 World (West Asia, Southeast Asia) FAO/Unesco Soil Map 1:5,000,000 1974, 1976 2
1-007 World(Asia) Unesco Geological Map 1:10,000,000 1971 2
1-010 Africa, Asia Institute of Ethnology, Academy of Sciences. Soviet Union Ethnic Distribution Map 1:5,000,000, 1:8,000,000 1959-1962 7
1-015 World (South Asia) Karl Wenschow Topographic Map (Wall-mounted map) 1: 4,000,000 ? 1
1-019 World (Asia) Haack Gotha/ VEB Hermann Haack, Geographisch-Kartographische Anstalt Gotha/Leipzig Climate and Vegetation Map (Wall-mounted map) 1:15,000,000 ? 1
1-025 Eurasia and Australia Royal Thai Survey Department Blank Map 1:26,200,000-20,200,000 1964 1
12-001 China / Russia / Mongolia / Korea / Japan / Laos / Vietnam / Philippines / Malaysia / Indonesia East Asia Japanese Army Map Service Topographic Map 1:1,000,000 1909-1940 157
12-002,003,004 China / Russia / Mongolia / Vietnam East Asia Japanese Army Map Service Topographic Map 1:500,000 1923-1944 179
12-073 China China Haack Gotha/ VEB Hermann Haack, Geographisch-Kartographische Anstalt Gotha/Leipzig Topographical Map (Wall-mounted map) 1: 3,000,000 ? 1
15-010 USSR Russia State Publishing House, Moscow Climate Map (Wall-mounted map) 1: 5,000,000 1929 1
20-008 Indochina, Ogasawara & Mariana Islands Japanese Navy Aeronautical Chart 1:1,500,000 1939-1940 4
20-009 East Asia / Southeast Asia / Mariana Is. Japanese Army Map Service Aeronautical Chart 1:1,000,000 1934 20
20-010 East Asia / Southeast Asia Japanese Army Map Service Aeronautical Chart 1:1,000,000 1935-1943 22
20-015 Easta Asia / Southeast Asia Japanese Army Map Service Aeronautical Chart 1:2,000,000 1938-1944 7
21-001 Asian Pacific ocean Japanese Navy Nautical Chart 1921-1942 15
21-002 Pacific Ocean Japanese Navy Nautical Chart 1915-1942 20
21-040 Indian Ocean Japanese Navy Nautical Chart 1:150,000-1:8,220,000 1921-1938 6
24-001 Russia / Ukraine / Turkey / Georgia / Azerbaijan / Kazakhstan / Uzbekistan / Turkmenistan / Iran / Afganistan / Kyrgyzstan / Tajikistan / Pakistan / India / China / Mongolia / Nepal / Bhutan / Bangladesh / Myanmar / Laos / Vietnam / Japan Asia The War Office Topographic Map 1:4,000,000 1924-1931 6
24-002 India / Sri lanka / China / Nepal / Bhutan / Bangladesh / Myanmar / Thailand / Laos / Vietnam / Camgodia / Malaysia / Indonesia / Burnei / Philippines / Korea / Japan Asia&The Far East The Survey of India Offices Geological Map 1:5,000,000 1959 6
24-003 Myanmar / Thailand / Malaysia / Laos / Vietnam / Cambodia / Indonesia / Burnei / Philippines Southeast Asia ??? Thematic Map (Rice Area Planted by Culture Type) 1:4,500,000 ??? 2
24-004 China / Mongolia / Korea China / Mongolia / Korea JOHN BARTHOLOMEW&SON LTD. Topographical Map 1:4,500,000 1977 1
24-006 Myanmar / Thailand / Malaya / Cambodia / Laos / Vietnam / Singapore Burma / Malaysia / Indochina JOHN BARTHOLOMEW&SON LTD. Topographic Map 1:4,000,000 ??? 1
24-007 Bangladesh / Myanmar / Thailand / Laos / Vietnam / Cambdia / Malaysia / Indonesia / China Southeast Asia U.S. Army Map Service Topographical Map 1:2,500,000 1962, 1964 2
24-008 Myanmar / Thailand / Laos / Vietnam / Cambdia / Malaysia / Indonesia / Burnei Southeast Asia ??? Topographic Map 1:5,000,000 ??? 1
24-009 India / Bangladesh / Myanmar / Thailand / Laos / Vietnam / Cambodia / Indonesia / Burnei / Philippines / Papua New Guinea Asia and the Pacific Rim WCMC and IUCN Thematic Map (Map of Tropical Forest) 1:12,000,000 1990 1
24-010 Myanmar / Thailand / Vietnam / Malaysia / Indonesia / Burnei / Philippines / China / Japan/ Parestine East Indies, China, Japan, Palestine ??? Historical Map in 19 Century 1:1,000,000-1:9,600,000 ??? 1
24-011 Russia / Ukraine / Romania / Bulgaria / Gergia / Azerbaijan / Kazakhstan / Uzbekistan / Turkmenistan / Iran / Iraq / Syria / Lebanon / Jordan / Israel / Egypt / Saudi Arabia / Kuwait / U.E.A. / Bahrain / Qatar / Oman / Yemen / Libya / Sudan / Eritrea / Ethiopia / Kenya / Uganda / Congo / Somalia West Asia Japanese Army Map Service Topographical Map 1:6,000,000 1942 1
24-012 Iraq / Iran / Azerbaijan / Afganistan / Pkistan / Turkmenistan Persia / Afghanistan The War Office Topographic Map 1:4,055,040 1935 1
24-013 China / Mongolia / Korea / Russia / Thailand / Vietnam / Laos / Myanmar East Asia Japanese Army Map Service Administrative Map 1:2,500,000 1927 4
24-014 Russia / Norway / Sweden / Finland / Estonia / Latvia / Lithuania / Poland / Slovakia / Romania / Bulgaria / Turkey / Ukraine / Georgia / Azerbaijan / Kazakhstan / Uzbekistan / Turkmenistan / Afganistan / Kyrgyzstan / Iran / Tajikistan / Pakistan / China U.S.S.R / Adjacent Countories The War Office Topographic Map 1:6,000,000 1934 1
24-015 Barton Collection 156
24-016 China / Korea / Japan / Russia East Asia Geological Survey of Japan, AIST Geological Map 1:3,000,000 2003 2
24-019 China / Myanmar / Thailand / Laos / Vietnam / Malaysia / Singapore / Indonesia / Burnei / Philippines Southeast Asia National Geographic Society Topographical Map 1: 6,000,000 1955, 1965 2
24-020 Mongolia/China/Nepal/Bhutan/Bangladesh/Myanmar/Thailand/Laos/Malaysia/Cambodia/Vietnam/Indonesia/Philippines/Japan Southeast Asia, China and Japan Haack-Painke/Justus Perthes Darmstadt Topographical Map (Wall-mounted map) 1: 3,500,000 ? 1
24-021 Myanmar/Thailand/Laos/ Vietnam/Cambodia/Malaysia/Singapore/Indonesia/Philippines Southeast Asia Haack Gotha/ VEB Hermann Haack, Geographisch-Kartographische Anstalt Gotha/Leipzig Topographical Map (Wall-mounted map) 1: 3,000,000 ? 1
24-023 Asia SIAM GALLERY Co., Ltd. Administrative Map 1:5,800,000 ? 1
24-024 Pakistan/India/China/Nepal/Bhutan/Myanmar/Thailand/Indonesia/Malaysia/Singapore/Laos/Bangladesh/Vietnam/Philippin/Korea Asia International Rice Research Institute Thematic Map (Rice Area by Type of Culture) 1:4,500,000 1980-1982 3
24-025 Pakistan/India/China/Nepal/Bhutan/Myanmar/Thailand/Indonesia/Malaysia/Singapore/Laos/Bangladesh/Vietnam/Philippin/Korea Asia International Rice Research Institute Thematic Map(Agroclimatic and Dry Season) 1:6,336,000 1980-1982 5